Monday, July 17, 2006

Durian Runtuh...KEBABOOM!!

Well, today's the 18th. Late posts cause got lots of stuff in hand. Okay, you got me! Maybe I'm just a lil lazy. Very tired having to walk a mile just to get hold of the internet at the library here, you know!

Anyway, let's rewind back to few days back. Hmm... Went to kuliah, learned coreldraw, huh hum huh hum... sleep. Woke up, go to studio, sketched some sketches, yadda yadda yadda...sleep. Saturday the 15th. Hmm... let's seeeee... Got dinner orientation with seniors at night, did some crazy stuff with them senior apes, later went sight-seeing and 'cuci mata' at Danga Bay(have to say, got quite a number of nice chicks here in Johor, uh huh). Felt like a hungy cat just following people around, brushing people's asses. Later, my cousin's mate's brought me back to his crib to call it a day, only to realize my cousin's going to stay at his bro's place to go durian hunting the next day! Of course, I jumped in the bandwagon.

The 'dusun' is around an hour from Taman U, I think...(refer) The durian trees there all 'terbantut' one. Heard from the fellow there lots of the big and juicy ones had already been swept clean by other freeloaders. Got to take back a few quite good ones though. Not bad at all.

Durian good! EAT! Durian bad! SICK!

Cause the next day almost got fever(plus all the spicy stuff I eat everyday, what you think). Tried to slow it down by drinking lots of water and a Panadol Actifast. It works. Or so I think. Manage to keep it down till today. Hey, another reason why I posted late! Yup...

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